Week Commencing Monday 12th December 2022

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 12th December 2022

12th  December

The drake Green-winged Teal first found at Campfield on 19th November 2002 was last seen on this date in 2002, the Long-billed Dowitcher when first found on Campfield RSPB on 15th November 2019 aged as a first-winter spent almost 13 months in the area now aged as a 2CY+  it re-appeared in 2020 at Campfield RSPB remaining until the year end, it was the 12th Cumbrian record, a second-winter Iceland Gull was seen on Ormsgill Reservoir in 2006 it was the seventh Cumbrian record of the 21st Century, a male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was at Bogle Crag car park, Grizedale in 2000 it was only the second Cumbrian record of the 21st Century, a Firecrest found at Roanhead on 28th November 2002 was still present on this day.

13th  December

An adult Red-breasted Goose was seen on Newton Marsh in 2007 remaining until 16th December 2007, it was the seventh Cumbrian record, a Bittern returned to Siddick Pond for its fifth winter in 2009 it was last seen on 8th January 2010, a Grey Phalarope seen off Biggar Bank in 2006 it was the 29th Cumbrian record since 1974, the Spanish Sparrow found at Waterside on 13th July 1996 was last seen on this date in 1998, it remains the only Cumbrian record to date and was the sixth British record.

14th December

The Ross’s Goose (recently promoted to Category A) that frequented Cardurnock, Rockcliffe and Skinburness Marshes until 3rd April 2011 returned to frequent Burgh Marsh, Rockcliffe Marsh and Cardurnock on this day in 2011remaining until 19th April 2012, a drake Green-winged Teal found at Hodbarrow on 30th November 2003 was last seen on this day in 2003, it was the ninth Cumbrian record, a Bittern was found at Longtown GP in 1986 and a Firecrest was seen at Ulpha Meadows in  2015.

15th December

The Black Brant from April 2014, now an adult, returned to winter at Snab Point, Walney in 2017, it remained until 1st April 2018, a first-winter Glossy Ibis at Black Dyke Flashes, Arnside in 2011 was the sixth Cumbrian record and the 11th individual, an adult Ring-billed Gull  at Anthorn in 2004 was a surprise to many and the ninth Cumbrian record and three Shore Larks were seen at South Walney in 1981 they comprised the 15th Cumbrian record and were the 18th to 20th individuals.

16th  December

Bitterns  were seen on Esthwaite Water (SD39) in 1993 and on a small pond on the old airfield at Silloth in 2020 and an Arctic Redpoll trapped at Dalston in 1995 was the first Cumbrian record.

17th December

A flock of 23 Tundra Bean Geese at Calvo Marsh in 2011 were part of the influx of that year, a drake Green-winged Teal on Siddick Pond was first seen on 21st October in 2007, it was the 15h Cumbrian record, Great White Egrets were found at Kents Bank in 2009 and on Campfield Marsh in 2011, this bird wintered up to 15th April 2012 and was the 22nd Cumbrian record, an Avocet was seen at Allonby in 1963 it was the seventh Cumbrian record, a juvenile Gyr Falcon was seen at South Walney and at Rampside in 1983, these were the seventh and eighth Cumbrian records, a Ring-necked Parakeet was seenat Vickerstown, Barrow in 2007 and a Great Grey Shrike seen near Newbiggin, Eskmeals in 2009 was the 14th Cumbrian record of the 21st Century and this was the last date for two Water Pipits present at Biggar Bank since 18th October 2020.

18th December

The drake Ring-necked Duck first found on Ullswater on 24th October 2006 was seen there again on this day in 2006, a Great White Egret frequented the Kents Bank/Humphrey Head area in 2011 until 11th February 2012, a Common Crane was seen at Newton Arlosh in 2005 it was the 26th  Cumbrian record, a Siberian Chiffchaff was claimed at Dalston in 2000 but no description was submitted therefore no accepted records existed up to this date and a Water Pipit at South Walney in 1981 was the sixth Cumbrian record.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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