Week Commencing Monday 28th November 2022

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 28th November 2022

28th November

Six Tundra Bean Geese were seen in the Lyth Valley near Brigsteer in 2011, two Bitterns were seen at Siddick Pond in 2012, an immature Sabine’s Gull seen at South Walney in 1980 was the fifth Cumbrian record, a Great White Egret was seen at Edenhall in 2020 it was the 48th Cumbrian record, a Great Grey Shrike was seen at Kershope Forest in 2016 it was the 34th Cumbrian record since 1997, two Shore Larks were found on Grune Point in 1976 these constituted the 13th Cumbrian record and were the 13th and 14th individual birds and a Firecrest was seen on several dates at Roanhead, Sandscale up to 12th December 2002.

29th November

A Cetti’s Warbler found onCreephaw Marsh in 2020 remained until 29th November, it was the 12th Cumbrian record, two Lapland Buntings were seen at South Walney in 1990 these included the individual previously seen on 7th November, this was the 26th Cumbrian record and the 30th individual bird.

30th November

Single drake Green-winged Teals returned to the Ravenglass estuary for a second winter in 2002 and at Hodbarrow remaining until 14th December 2003, these were the  sixth and ninth Cumbrian records, a long staying female Ring-necked Duck was seen on Bassenthwaite Lake in 2007 it remained until 9th April 2008 and it was the 34th Cumbrian record, a Black-necked Grebe was seen off Foulney in 1999 it was the 11th Cumbrian record since 1997, at least two Water Pipits were present on Bassenthwaite Marsh in 1989 remaining there until 31st March 1990, this was the 16th Cumbrian record and a male Lapland Bunting found at South Walney in 1982 was still there the following day it was the 11th Cumbrian record.

1st December

A Black-necked Grebe was seen on Longtown Ponds in 1998 it remained until 5th December, an odd record of a Turtle Dove at Eskmeals in 1998 must have been a surprise, an even bigger surprise was a Nutcracker that was flushed on the beach at South Walney in 1979 it was the second Cumbrian record and a Firecrest was found in the central marsh at South Walney in 2006.

2nd December

The Red-breasted Goose that frequented Whitrigg and Cardurnock on 16th November was last seen on this day in 2012 it was the 11th County record, two Tundra Bean Geese roamed between Ravenstown and Old Park (SD37P) until 31st December 2011 this was the 12th Cumbrian record of the 21st Century, a Little Auk was seen off Hilpsford Point, Walney in 2017, the Great Grey Shrike found at Soddy Gap on 5th November 2016 was still present on this day, an immature male Lapland Bunting at South Walney in 1983 was seen again on 4th December and was the 12th Cumbrian record.

3rd December

A Ross’s Goose frequented Cardurnock, Rockcliffe and Skinburness Marshes in 2002 until 9th February 2003 at that time it was placed in Cat ‘D’ by the BBRC and excluded from the British List but was promoted to Cat ‘A’ in December 2021 becoming an armchair tick for some, two drake Green-winged Teals were seen together at Hodbarrow they remained until 4th December 2011 and this constituted the 22nd Cumbrian record.

4th December

The now regular drake Green-winged Teal seen at Campfield remained until 31st December 2006 it was the 14th Cumbrian record, a Black-throated Diver was seen off Silecroft in 2014, a Bittern was seen at Elterwater in 1999 , a Great White Egret was found at Campfield Marsh in 2016 it was approximately the 35th Cumbrian record, a storm driven juvenile Grey Phalarope was at South Walney in 2011 it was the 39th Cumbrian record since 1974, a Shore Lark found near the summit of Helvellyn in 2016 was the 24th Cumbrian record and the 29th individual bird, a Richard’s Pipit found on Walney Island in 2001 was also seen on 13th December 2001 and again on 18th December 2001 it was the 21st Cumbrian record.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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