Week Commencing Monday 24th October 2022

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 24th October 2022

24th October

Five Sooty Shearwaters off South Walney in 1984 constituted the 20th Cumbrian record and the 31st to 35th individuals, a drake Ring-necked Duck on Ullswater until 28th October in 2006 was the 29th Cumbrian record but thought to be only the sixth individual bird,  a Great White Egret was at Campfield Marsh until 26th October in 2014, late Hobbies were found at Workington in 2004 and at Campfeld in 2016, the latter bird was an adult, a Woodlark settled in on the old slag banks at Ulverston remaining until 1st November in 2000 this was the sixth Cumbrian record, a Yellow-browed Warbler at North Scale, Walney in 2008 was the 26th Cumbrian record and 28th individual bird, a first-winter Mealy Redpoll, a scarce winter visitor, was at South Walney in 2013 it was only the second record of the decade.

25th October

A 2CY Richardson’s Cackling Goose was located at Whitrigg (NY25I) it was still present on the next day in 2012 and it was the first Cumbrian record, the juvenile Black Stork that was taken into care and released at Hallbankgate on the 24th October 1985 turned up on this day at South Walney with an adult that left the same day, the juvenile remained until 1st November in 1985 it was the second Cumbrian record and involved the first and second individuals, a juvenile  Pectoral Sandpiper on Walney until 29th October in 2003 it was the 21st Cumbrian record and the 20th individual bird, a Red-necked Phalarope was found on the Irt estuary in 1983 was the 28th Cumbrian record and the 29th individual bird, a Grey Phalarope was at Rampside (SD26) in 1992 it was the 21st Cumbrian record since 1974, a Hobby at Anthorn in 2016, a Firecrest at Waterside in 1999, a Richard’s Pipit at South Walney in 2006 was the 24th Cumbrian record and a Water Pipit was recorded at Roa Island on ten dates up to 22nd December in 2014.

26th October

A juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper was seen out of its usual habitat at Biggar Bank in 2014 it was  the 30th Cumbrian record, a Grey Phalarope at Silloth in 2008 was the 33rd Cumbrian record since 1974 and four Bearded Tits were at Siddick Pond in 1990 this was the third Cumbrian record since 1978.

27th October

 A Todd’s Canada Goose was found at Cardurnock (NY15U) in 2012 it was seen sporadically until 10th April 2013 and was the first Cumbrian record, two Great White Egrets, becoming increasingly regular, were seen at Kent Bank in 2011, an adult American Golden Plover at Longcroft (NY25E) in 2012 was the seventh Cumbrian record, a Grey Phalarope at South Walney until 28th October in 2004 was the 27th Cumbrian record and the 30th individual bird, a late Hobby was on North Walney in 1991, a flock of seven Bearded Tits at South Walney until 28th October in 1996 was the fourth Cumbrian record since 1978 and a Lapland Bunting at South Walney in 2007) was the 35th Cumbrian record and the 38th individual bird.

28th October

A drake American Wigeon remained at North Plain farm until 30th November in 2002 it was the eighth Cumbrian record, a Rough-legged Buzzard was on Carrock Fell (NY33) in 1994 was the 16th Cumbrian record since 1974, a Corncrake was on Walney Island in 2005, a Daurian (Isabelline) Shrike was caught and ringed at South Walney in 2016 it was the first Cumbrian record, a Shore Lark found on the summit of Blencathra in 1971 was only the 12th Cumbrian record, a Cetti’s Warbler at North Scale, Walney in 2012 was the second Cumbrian record and a Richard’s Pipit at South Walney in 2001 was considered the same bird that was found there on the 25th September.

29th October

A drake Green-winged Teal at Soddy Gap (NY0732) in 2010 was the 17th Cumbrian record, unusually an Avocet wintered in the Campfield area from this day in 2015 until the 25th April 2016, a juvenile Sabine’s Gull seen at Campfield Marsh and then Biggar Bank in 2011 constituted the 32nd and 33rd Cumbrian records and possibly concerned the same individual bird, the 27th, Hoopoes were found at Moor Row (NY01) in 1994, and one that lingered in Dovedale (NY31W) until 5th November 1996 these were the third and fourth Cumbrian records of the 90’s, a Ring-necked Parakeet was noted at Kirkby Thore (NY62H) in 2016, a Dusky Warbler at Westfield Point (SD26I) remained until 1st November in 2004 it was the first Cumbrian record and a Yellow-browed Warbler at Bluegate, Tindale in 2009 was the 28th Cumbrian record and 30th individual bird.

30th October

Two Red-crested Pochards at Silverholme, Windermere in 2013 were considered to be escapes, a Bittern returned to Siddick Pond for its sixth winter in 2010, four Bearded Tits frequented Elterwater in 1978 this was the first Cumbrian record of the 20th century and an inappropriately named Common (Mealy) Redpoll was caught and ringed at South Walney in 2017.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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