Week Commencing Monday 26th September 2022

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 26th September 2022

26th  September

A drake American Wigeon was found at South Walney it remained until 27th September in 2017 and was the 12th Cumbrian record and the tenth individual bird, two Sooty Shearwaters offshore at South Walney in 1988 constituted the 23rd Cumbrian record and were the 38th and 39th individual birds, a Black-necked Grebe was a nice find on Talkin Tarn in 1997, a Spotted Crake at South Walney in 1983 was the third Cumbrian record of the 1980’s, a juvenile Sabine’s Gull seen offshore at  Workington in 2004 was the 21st Cumbrian record and the 20th individual bird, an adult Yellow-legged Gull was in the Arnside area in 1987 and another adult Yellow-legged Gull was at Sandside in 1998, a Wryneck was located at Sandgate, Flookburgh in 1976, Hobbies were found at South Walney in 1998 and at Campfield Marsh in 2002, a Yellow-browed Warbler at South Walney in 1985 was only the sixth Cumbrian record contrasting with one there in 2017 which was the 82nd Cumbrian record and 83rd individual bird, an unprecedented ‘fall’ of three Red-breasted Flycatchers at South Walney in 1985 must have caused some excitement, this constituted the sixth Cumbrian record involving the sixth to eighth individual birds and a female/immature Lapland Bunting at South Walney in 2001 was the 30th Cumbrian record and the 34th individual bird.

27th September

A Sooty Shearwater offshore at South Walney in 1981 was the eighth Cumbrian record and the 12th individual bird, a Pectoral Sandpiper on Rockcliffe Marsh stayed overnight in 1998 it was the 17th Cumbrian record and the 16th individual bird, a Spotted Sandpiper at South Walney in 1998 was the third Cumbrian record, Yellow-browed Warblers were located at South Walney in 1993 and at Grange-over-Sands in 2017 were the 13th and 87th Cumbrian records respectively and the 14th and approximately 105th individual birds, a Rustic Bunting at South Walney stayed until 2nd October in 2008 it remains the first and only Cumbrian record to date and a male Lapland Bunting at South Walney in 1970 was the 8th Cumbrian record.

28th September

A drake Green-winged Teal at Siddick Pond returned on this day in 2008, it was thought to be the same bird seen here from 21st October until 17th December in 2007 and afterwards from 7th to 23rd October 2009 and possibly the same individual that wintered at Campfield Marsh from 2006 to 2009, it was probably the 14th Cumbrian record and the 11th individual bird, an unprecedented flock of 13 Glossy Ibis was found at High Foulshaw (SD48R) in 2013, they settled in the area but the flock slowly fragmented and the last sighting was of four at Milnthorpe Sewage Works on 17th October 2013, this was the tenth Cumbrian record and the 16th to 28th individual birds, a Spoonbill seen at Humphrey Head in 2014 was the 61st Cumbrian record and the 77th individual bird, a Bittern was found with a broken wing at Endmoor in 1982 it was taken into care and released later at Leighton Moss, a south bound juvenile Honey-buzzard wasseen at South Walney in 2008, a late Corncrake was at South Walney in 2017, a Stone Curlew found at South Walney in 1985 was the sixth Cumbrian record and the seventh individual bird, a second adult American Golden Plover was found at Drumburgh in 2012 it was a different bird to the earlier bird seen there from 22nd to 24th September 2012, this was the sixth Cumbrian record and the fifth individual, two juvenile Pectoral Sandpipers were seen together on Arnside Marsh until 3rd  October in 2011, this was the 25th Cumbrian record and the 24th and 25th individual birds, a Grey Phalarope was found at South Walney in 1981, a Turtle Dove stopped off at Ashmeadow, Arnside in 2000, a Barred Warbler caught and ringed at Grune Point in 1968 was the second Cumbrian record and a Water Pipit at Kirkbride (NY25) in 1996 was the 18th Cumbrian record this is one of only a few records not from the Furness area

29th September

A Sooty Shearwater offshore at South Walney in 1981 was the ninth Cumbrian record and the 13th individual bird, a Honey-buzzard at South Walney in 2000 preceded three birds recorded on 30th September 2000, two juvenile Buff-breasted Sandpipers on Rockcliffe Marsh remained until 3rd October in 1998 constituted the fifth Cumbrian record and the fifth and sixth individual birds, a Grey Phalarope at South Walney remained until 7th October in 1982, Turtle Doves were represented with a juvenile found at Halforth remaining until 1st October in 1990 and a bird at South Walney remaining until 2nd October in 1990,  a Cetti’s Warbler found on this day remained on Walney until 13th October 2020 it was the tenth Cumbrian record, a Yellow-browed Warbler at Westfield Point, Barrow-in-Furness until 2nd October 2003 was the 22nd Cumbrian record and the 24th individual bird, an immature Marsh Warbler was caught and ringed at South Walney in 1986 it remains the only Cumbrian record, a first-winter Barred Warbler at South Walney remained until 19th October in 1995 it was the 22nd Cumbrian record and an exceptional flock of four Lapland Buntings flew over Hawkesdale Pasture, Dalston in 1990 this constituted the 23rd Cumbrian record and the 24th to 27th individual birds.

30th September

A Glossy Ibis seen at Kirkbride in 1992 was the third Cumbrian record and the first since 1932, a Great White Egret was seen at Rape Haw on Walney Island in 2010 it was the 13th Cumbrian record,  a juvenile Honey-buzzard was seen on passage at Foulshaw Moss in 2019, a Common Crane at Flookburgh Marsh in 1979 remained in the area until 6th January in 1980 it was the second Cumbrian record and the first since 1869, an American Golden Plover at Heversham (SD48W) in 2016 was the ninth Cumbrian record and the eighth individual bird, a Buff-breasted Sandpiper on Kirkbride Marsh in 1989  was the fourth Cumbrian record, an adult Yellow-legged Gull was seen at the Newbiggin viaduct (SD09X) in 2013, a Hobby was seen at Natland in 1991, a Yellow-browed Warbler found in a Kendal garden in 2002 was the 21st Cumbrian record and 23rd individual bird and a Lapland Bunting at Castle Carrock in 1987 was the 15th Cumbrian record.

1st October

 A Great White Egret was seen at North Walney on on this date and four other dates up to 30th October in 2016, a Rough-legged Buzzard drifted west at Hackthorpe (NY52L) in 2008 it was the 24th Cumbrian record since 1974, the Stilt Sandpiper found at Campfield Marsh on 22nd September was last seen there on this day in 2008 it remains the sole Cumbrian record, the juvenile Buff-breasted Sandpiper first found on Arnside Marsh on 24th September 2011 was last seen there on this day, it was the sixth Cumbrian record, a female Pectoral Sandpiper was shot at Salt Cotes (NY15W) in 1961, it was the second Cumbrian record, the first was at Edenhall in 1888, a juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper was found at Ulpha Meadows (SD48K) in 2013 , it was the 29th Cumbrian record, a first-winter Wilson’s Phalarope was seen briefly at South Walney in 1989 it remains the first and only Cumbrian record, a juvenile Red-necked Phalarope on the Gate Pool at South Walney until 5th October in 1988 was the 33rd Cumbrian record and the 34th individual bird, a Grey Phalarope in the Central Marsh, South Walney in 2008 was the 31st Cumbrian record since 1974, a Long-tailed Skua at Bowness-on-Solway in 2001 was the 23rd Cumbrian record and the 33rd individual bird, juvenile Turtle Doves were found at Halforth in 1990 and at South Walney until 2nd October in 1990, a Yellow-browed Warbler at Vickerstown, Walney Island until 3rd  October, then two from 4th to 6th October, one remaining until 13th October 2013 in 2013, an immature Red-breasted Flycatcher at South Walney in 1972 was the second Cumbrian record, a Lapland Bunting on Walney Island in 2003 was the 32nd Cumbrian record and the 36th individual bird.

2nd October

A Great White Egret remained overnight on Rockcliffe Marsh in 2013 it was the 23rd Cumbrian record, perhaps the majority of these records were generated by no more than a dozen mobile individuals, an adult American Golden Plover at Bowness-on-Solway in 1997 was the first Cumbrian record, an American Golden Plover at Anthorn until 3rd October in 2015 was the eighth Cumbrian record and the seventh individual bird, a juvenile Grey Phalarope at Eaglesfield (NY02Z) was the 34th Cumbrian record and the 36th individual bird, an immature Sabine’s Gull at Sellafield remaining until 5th October in 1990  was the 11th Cumbrian record, erroneously published at first as an immature Arctic Skua a bird found inland in a field at Burneside near Kendal was eventually re-identified as a juvenile Long-tailed Skua it remained until 5th October in 1976 thus becoming the base-line for future records, an adult Long-tailed Skua at Bowness-on-Solway in 1994 was the 15th Cumbrian record since 1976 and the 20th individual bird, a Turtle Dove at Sizergh Castle in 1993 was the third Cumbrian record that year, the Yellow-browed Warbler found at Westfield Point on 29th September was last seen on this day in 2003 and the Rustic Bunting found at South Walney on 27th September 2008 was last seen on this day, it is still the sole Cumbrian record.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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